¡Así soy!

Mi foto
Escritora... Poeta... Aprendiz de todo.Experta en nada...

miércoles, 25 de septiembre de 2013

Kill me once

Some nights your obsession is with me...
Go out of my home and walk naked on the streets...
Walk in silense until your apartment...
I walk slow with my desires between my legs...
¿how long ago i feel like this?

I walk fast...excited...
With my pleasure inside my pupils...
I repeat your name in my head...
With my wet lips i caress my hair...
Im looking for your body again...

Some nights your obsesion lives in me...
My crazy mind to cover your fire...
I want descover to you with my hands...
My tongue wants to taste your flavor...

Dark thoughts...
Fantasy obscene...
Sex living in my skin...
Sweet hell over my blood...

Some nights your obsession comes with me...
I catch your lust...
Smell your passion...
I follow your delirium...
I lose my senses...
Liquids and excitation...

Some nights your obsession comes with me... Come right now..Kill me once....

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